Tiny Pep Talks

Tiny Pep Talks

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Anybody can tell you “You can do it!” before the big job interview, or before you walk down the aisle, or before you head out onto the field to make the game-winning kick at the Super Bowl. But what about the other 99.99% of stuff you do? Who’s going to gas you up for all those low-stakes situations where you need an extra push? That’s where Tiny Pep Talks comes in. Comedians Paula Skaggs and Josh Linden are rooting for you, and they’re here to cheerlead you through your everyday challenges. You’ll find specific, constructive, and—most of all—very funny motivation for:   • Parallel parking (cars just weren't meant to go sideways!)   • Sending a scary email (if you died and came back as a ghost, wouldn't it suck if this was your unfinished business?)   • Making a doctor’s appointment (think how good you'll feel when you're finished—like a runner's high without the chafing!)   • Doing your taxes (just round to the nearest dollar! The IR