NOTE: *this is an EMPTY COMPACT -- sells well as an accessory to compliment our Boob-eez® Nipple Covers
Expand the lifetime of your pasties with this revolutionary product: a durable, long-lasting, au-natural bamboo compact!
This stunning, luxurious design has been made with our beloved customers in mind... store your nipple covers and use them again and again.
A safe and sustainable storage option for Boob-eez® Nipple Covers.
Keep this compact on your bathroom counter, take it with you in your make-up bag or throw her in your purse -- no matter where you go, Boob-eez® has got you covered.
*EMPTY COMPACT as an accessory sold separately.
* 1 COMPACT (nipple covers sold separately)
* Elevate the Boob-eez® vibe with this sleek, sustainable, & re-usable bamboo compact
* Wash with mild soap and water when needed. NOT DISHWASHER FRIENDLY.