Inspired Letters to My Inner Child

Inspired Letters to My Inner Child

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Give the gift of unconditional love to your inner child with this unique self-care tool, part of the bestselling Letters to . . . series. Write. Reflect. Grow. With this keepsake collection of 12 letters, you fill each note with a message to your inner child that only your adult self could impart. Once complete, you can postdate the letters and seal them with the included stickers. Stash the collection away in a place of safekeeping—perhaps a location your childhood self would love and cherish, like a treehouse or time capsule—and return to it later when you need a reminder of why you have always deserved love. Included are 12 letters with thoughtful and evocative prompts, such as: * As an adult, I can now give myself these important things I did not receive as a child .